How to reduce the temperature-induced decay of sweet potato during storage?

The storage time of sweet potatoes in the northern region is as long as six months. The external climate changes greatly, and the potato block itself still has respiration and various physiological and biochemical changes, and it is prone to decay and deterioration. The main cause of decay of the tubers during storage is low temperature. The low temperature hazard during storage is mainly in the middle of storage, that is, 20 days after the sweet potato enters the pit to the beginning of the second year of February, when the temperature is low. At the same time, the respiration of the potato block weakens with the decrease of the temperature, and the heat released is reduced, so the cellar temperature decreases. , vulnerable to cold damage. Closed cellar, canopy and other measures can be used to keep warm and cold, so that the cellar temperature is not lower than 10 °C, preferably controlled between 12 ~ 14 °C. If the temperature rises in the late storage period, it is necessary to open the ventilating ventilating room in time to remove the bad potatoes in time.

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