Eight Diet Principles of Women's Menstrual Period

When menstruation is about to come, the woman will have a “premenstrual syndrome” that is light or heavy, including restlessness, emotional instability, conflict with people, swelling of the chest or abdomen, weight gain, body edema, change in appetite, and mouth sores. , long acne, headaches and so on. These conditions usually occur 10 to 14 days before menstruation, and end within 24 hours after menstruation starts. The severity and time of occurrence vary from person to person. In addition, women may have abnormal conditions such as lower abdominal pain, back pain, abnormal volume, or difficulty in grasping the cycle during the menstrual period. In order to improve the pain symptoms during menstruation, women need to take necessary nutrients according to different physical conditions in addition to normal life and exercise habits.

Regardless of whether or not you are being troubled by menstrual problems, dietitians have proposed the nine major dietary principles. After four to six weeks, all discomfort will gradually improve.

1, do not deliberately eat sweets. Such as drinks, cakes, brown sugar, candy. Prevent blood sugar from becoming unstable and avoid aggravating all kinds of physical discomfort.

2, eat more high-fiber foods. Vegetables, fruits, whole wheat bread, brown rice, oats and other foods contain more fiber, which can promote the excretion of estrogen, increase the content of magnesium in the blood, and regulate the menstrual and calming nerves.

3, between the two meals to eat some walnuts, cashews, dried beans and other foods rich in vitamin B group.

4, intake of enough protein. Lunch and dinner eat meat, eggs, tofu, soybeans and other high-protein foods, supplement the menstrual flow of nutrients, minerals. Regular ration.

5, can prevent blood sugar from rising, lowering, reducing heart rate, dizziness, fatigue, emotional instability and other discomfort.

6. Avoid caffeinated beverages. Coffee, tea and other beverages can increase anxiety and anxiety; they can change to barley tea and mint tea.

7, to avoid eating too hot, too much ice temperature changes too much food.

8. Women who are about to face menopause should have more calcium-rich foods such as milk and dried fish.

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