The benefits of eating peanuts The nutritional value of peanuts

Many people love nuts, but who knows all kinds of nuts? Before this, we introduced the benefits of eating chestnuts for women, and we must have a better understanding of the nuts of chestnuts. Today introduced another nut - peanuts.

Peanuts have the name of long fruit, and eating peanuts has great health benefits. So what are the benefits of eating peanuts for women? What are the nutritional values ​​of peanuts? Next will be introduced for everyone, for your reference.


The benefits of a woman eating peanuts

1, anti-aging ability

Peanut contains resveratrol, a naturally occurring polyphenolic substance with a strong anti-aging ability.

2, to promote development

The calcium content of peanuts is extremely high and calcium is the main component of the human skeleton. Therefore, eating more peanuts can promote the growth and development of the human body.

3, help reduce salt

Salty snacks are usually high salt foods. Salty peanuts have less salt than sliced ​​bread of the same weight. Therefore, salty peanuts can not only satisfy your salty hobby but also do not easily lead to excessive salt intake.

4, stable blood sugar

The study found that if one changes the red meat in the diet to peanuts, the risk of diabetes is reduced by 21%. Peanuts slow the absorption of carbohydrates. Eat some peanuts in the morning, your blood sugar will not be too high in one day.

5, keep the heart healthy

People who eat the most peanuts can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease by 35%. Researchers believe that the composition of fatty acids in peanuts, combined with the effects of other ingredients, can reduce the level of low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) and make the heart healthier.

6, reduce the risk of colon cancer

Women who eat peanuts at least twice a week have a 58% reduction in the risk of developing colon cancer. Men who eat peanuts at least twice a week can reduce their risk by 27%. Scientists analyzed that this is the role of folic acid in peanuts and other cancer-fighting nutrients.

7, control of appetite

Peanuts are high-satisfaction foods that can make you feel fuller or full longer. The high satiety of peanuts is not just the cause of fat, dietary fiber, and protein content. If you eat peanuts or peanut butter at breakfast, you can reduce the amount of food consumed this day.

The nutritional value of peanuts

1. Peanut contains vitamin E, vitamin K and a certain amount of zinc.

2. The lipids contained in peanuts are basically unsaturated fatty acids, half of which are unsaturated fatty acids.

3, peanuts contain about 50% of lipids, 25% of the protein, 25% of vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin E and other vitamins.

4, peanuts contain a variety of proteins, amino acid composition is also very diverse, the body's 8 amino acids in addition to lysine content is less than the other amino acid content is very rich.

5, peanuts 7.3 grams per 100 grams of water, protein 24.6 grams, fat 48.7 grams, 15.3 grams of carbohydrates, crude fiber 2.1 grams, 2 grams of ash, calcium 36 mg, phosphorus 383 mg, 2 mg of iron. In addition, peanuts contained 0.04 mg of carotene, 1.07 mg of thiamine, 0.11 mg of riboflavin, and 9.5 mg of niacin.

Xiao Bian reminded that although eating peanuts is good for health, it is only for those who can eat peanuts. Patients with gall bladder disease, people with high blood viscosity or thrombosis, body cold dampness and intestinal diarrhea should not eat peanuts, otherwise it is harmful to health, we must keep in mind.

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