The propagation of crape myrtle

Lagerstroemia indica originates from China and belongs to the genus Lycovaceae Lagerstroemia. It has a long history of cultivation. It has a history of 1500 years according to historical records. It is an important tree in the summer in China. It also has a long flowering period and beautiful colors. Greening has received more and more attention from people.

Lagerstroemia is a deciduous shrub or tree. In addition to purple, according to its color is divided into the following: L. var.alba: white or slightly lavender; L. var. amabilis: lavender, weak growth potential L. var. rubra: flowers pink. In addition, L. 'Petite Pinkle' imported from the United States and Japan in recent years is a cultivar of crape myrtle. Its flower color is pink, purple, white, and pink and red with white borders. Because of its low and compact plant type, its color Rich in change, adaptable and promising for development.

Cultivation and breeding

Growth environment requirements

(1) The crape myrtle is strong, easy to cultivate, and requires less soil, but it grows best in sandy fertile soil where it is deeply fertile.

(2) Sexual light should be planted on the leeward sunny side or under the south wall of the courtyard. Insufficient light will not only cause the plants to have little or no flowering, but will even grow weak and have small branches and leaves.

(3) The crape myrtle is more cold-resistant, but the seedling period should be well-prepared for cold insulation work, and the adult plants more than three years old do not need to keep warm.

(4) The crape myrtle is drought-tolerant and afraid of earthworms. It can be poured once a year before the spring sprouting season and after the fall of autumn leaves. If there is no drought at the usual time, then no watering is needed. During the rainy season, we must do a good job of draining water to prevent water from becoming bad. root. Fertilizer can be fertilized after falling leaves in winter and before sprouting in spring. If human urine or hemp sauce is applied, it will be better.

(5) Generally after pruning after falling leaves in autumn, we must cut branches of shoots, stems and branches, drooping branches, branches and branches of pests, slender branches and endophytic branches, and cut the lateral branches of the lower part of the main stem of plants in time for the seedling stage. The upper trunk can get enough nutrients to form a good canopy.

Disease and Insect Pest Control Crape Myrtle is vulnerable to aphids, scale insects, moths, and leaf roller moths in the growing season. If it does occur, it can be sprayed with 1000 times of dimethoate EC to kill scale insects and aphids, and sprayed with 80% dichlorvos 1500 times And leaf roller moth.

Breeding is usually done by sowing and cutting, and the cutting method is better. It not only has a high survival rate, but also has fast succession, early flowering, and high yield of seedlings.

(1) sowing: sowing method is generally suitable for mass reproduction. When the seeds are ripe in October, timely harvest and dry them, and put them in a dry and ventilated place with a small cloth bag. By March of next year, first sterilize with 0.2% potassium permanganate for 24 to 48 hours, and then use the water to remove residuals. Potassium permanganate is rinsed clean and put in warm water of 40°C~50°C for 2~3 days. Remove it and let it dry for a while. Sow in outdoor open field, first loosen and level the soil of the seedbed, open the sowing groove in a row spacing of 20 to 25cm wide, the depth of the ditch is about 3cm, and then evenly remove the seeds into the ditch, and sprinkle 1-2 grains every 3~4cm. As well. Cover and ditch water after sowing; pay attention to shade and keep moist. About 50 days or so, the seedlings can be drawn out. At this time, the water is poured once, and cultivators and sorghum are planted. In particular, the work of seedlings and seedlings must be done to ensure that the seedlings are 10 to 15 cm in length, and the rest are unplugged. After 1 year, it can grow to a height of 20 to 30cm, and it can bloom in the 2nd year.

(2) Cutting: Spring cutting time is generally in late April. Cut the stout branches that had been flowered for the first year in the winter, then water them to keep the soil moist. After the ravine had been dug out, cut it to a cutting length of about 16cm and insert it into the loose sandy soil prepared in advance. The seedling distance was 15 to 20cm, the depth was 2/3 of the cuttings, and the water was poured once and then covered. A layer of fine soil about 5cm thick. If it does not rain, it will be watered 10 to 15 days later. It will germinate after about 40 days; it will be shaded in May. In July, the height of seedlings can grow to about 30cm. Until October, when the seedlings grow to 50 ~ 60cm, pour a liquid fertilizer after the winter. In March of the following year, the upper shoots of the seedlings were cut off, leaving about 30cm tall rooted seedlings transplanted, and the soil was practically solidified on the second day after pouring water. Pay attention to watering and fertilization later. It can bloom in the year.

Summer cuttings can be done in June. Select the strong branch with annual good lignification and no pests and diseases. Use a sterile branch to cut and cut the cuttings with a length of about 15 cm. Cut the lower leaves, leaving only the upper two or three leaves, and insert them into the cultivated and disinfected seedbed. The depth of about 10cm, and then covered with plastic film and curtain for moisture and shade. After cutting, spray water once a day to keep the humidity at 70% or more and rooting after 45 days. After the cuttings had grown new shoots, they were gradually allowed to receive light and the plastic film was removed. Fertilization was started two months later. Cuttage seedlings should be kept cold during the winter when they are in seedbeds, and they can be transplanted and transplanted in April.

"Cracking method" makes the crape myrtle more flowering

Increasing the ornamental effect is the primary issue for the crape myrtle planting. How to make the crape myrtle bloom more, increase the number of flowers, and increase the ornamental value. In the experiment, the author used the “cutting method” to cultivate crape myrtle and found significant results. There are three key issues in the practical application of crape myrtle's "cutting method":

1. To strengthen the management of fertilizer and water. Water should be watered in a timely manner in the dry season; organic fertilizers should be applied in appropriate amounts before the flower buds are sprouted; composting soil in the roots after falling leaves in autumn can promote the growth and lengthening of the trunks.

2. The crape myrtle, which is a species of tree in urban greenery, should be maintained at a slightly higher level. The species that is planted in the main highway isolation zone or roadside green belt is relatively low. Generally cut off from the root 1.1 ~ 1.8m, and then through fertilizer, water management, reasonable repair, promote the same height of the trunk, speed up the growth of trunk thickening.

3. In the crape myrtle after the planting, the trunk with a certain height was cut off, which caused the sprouting to germinate along the cut off mouth. This not only shortens the pipeline for transporting nutrients, but also quickly concentrates the nutrients on the germination bar. It also forms a germination bar every year. It is often cultivated for many years, and it gradually forms a fist-shaped shape at the cut-off point. After the shaping, it can be cut every autumn and winter. Increase the number of shoots, and can artificially control the shoots, so that it is evenly distributed in the box-shaped area, increasing the number of flowering branches, and improving the viewing effect.

The production and application of dwarf crape myrtle

The dwarf lagerstroemia hi warm and humid climate, cold resistance, drought resistance, resistance to earthworms, salt and alkali resistance, anti-harmful gas, suitable for a wide area. From the perspective of open cultivation in Henan, both large seedlings and young seedlings can safely pass winter. Branches with high degree of lignification can withstand low temperatures of -20°C. The most suitable growth temperature is 15°C to 40°C. Most regions of the country can be planted in open fields.

Lagerstroemia critise management is more extensive. The annual young seedlings are young and the soil is moist to facilitate the growth of seedlings. Perennial seedlings can be fertilized in the spring and winter, and nitrogen fertilizers and compound fertilizers are applied in the growing season of seedlings to accelerate seedling growth. The planting density is suitable and no disease usually occurs. Pruning is done in spring, leaving 2-3 buds for each shoot, and the rest cut off. Every spring must be trimmed. The dwarf crape myrtle is usually transplanted before sprouting in the spring. Because of its well-developed roots, the growing season can also be transplanted with shading measures, and the survival rate is as high as 90% or more.

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