Phalaenopsis family conservation

1. Cultivation medium: Phalaenopsis common cultivation medium is mainly water grass and moss. 2. Temperature: The family must first maintain the temperature of Phalaenopsis. Phalaenopsis likes the environment of high temperature and high humidity. The minimum temperature during the growth period should be kept above 15°C. The suitable temperature for the growth of Phalaenopsis is between 16°C and 30°C. At the turn of autumn and winter and winter and spring, and when the temperature is low in winter, you should pay attention to warming. Generally, there is room for heating equipment in winter. This temperature is not difficult to reach, but be careful not to put the flowers directly on or near the radiator. When the temperature is too high in summer, it is necessary to reduce the temperature and pay attention to ventilation. If the temperature is higher than 32°C, the phalaenopsis will usually enter a semi-dormant state and the continuous high temperature should be avoided. Before and after the Spring Festival for the full flowering period, appropriate cooling can extend the viewing time, flowering night temperature is best controlled between 13 °C to 16 °C, but can not be less than 13 °C. 3, water: Phalaenopsis is native to the primeval forest, more fog, higher temperatures. Phalaenopsis does not have large, bulky stems to store nutrients. If there is insufficient temperature in the air, the leaves are wrinkled and weak. Therefore, Phalaenopsis should be cultivated in a ventilated, high humidity environment. Phalaenopsis is suitable for growing air humidity from 50% to 80%. Phalaenopsis new roots need to be watered when their roots are vigorously exuberant and less watering during dormancy after flowering. In the spring and autumn, the water is sprayed around 5 o'clock in the afternoon. The plants grow vigorously in summer. Every day, water is poured at 9 am and 5 pm. The light is weak in winter and the temperature is low. Watering once a week is enough. It should be at 10 am Before proceeding. In the event of a cold wave, it is not appropriate to water the plant and keep it dry until the cold wave is over. The principle of watering is to see dry and wet. When the surface of the culture substrate is dry, it is poured once again. The water temperature should be close to room temperature. When the air in the room is dry, you can use the sprayer to spray directly on the leaf surface. See the leaf surface is wet, but note that the water spray should not spray the water mist onto the flowers during the flowering period. Tap water should be stored for more than 72 hours before it can be poured. 4. Light: Although Phalaenopsis is more vivacious than shade, it is still necessary to allow orchids to receive some light, especially before and after flowering. Appropriate light can promote flowering of Phalaenopsis and make the blooms long lasting. Generally, they should be scattered indoors. Light, do not let direct sunlight. 5. Ventilation: The normal growth of Phalaenopsis needs fresh air. Therefore, the ventilation of domesticated Phalaenopsis must be good, especially during the high humidity period in summer. It is necessary to use good ventilation to prevent heatstroke, and at the same time, to avoid the infection of diseases and insect pests. 6. Nutrition: Phalaenopsis should be fertilized throughout the year, unless the low temperature lasts for a long time, otherwise the fertilizer should not be stopped. In the flower bud differentiation phase of the Phalaenopsis, it is easy to stop flowering or reduce flowers. During the growth period in spring and summer, a thin liquid fertilizer may be applied once every 7 days to 10 days, organic fertilizer may be suitable, and a special nutrient solution of Phalaenopsis may also be used. However, buds do not apply, or it is easy to fall off early. Long leaves in the summer (ie after the flowering period) can be topdressed with nitrogen and potassium fertilizers. Phosphate fertilizers are available during the growing season of flower stems in autumn and winter, but they are thin and are applied about every 2 to 3 weeks. After fertilizing the water in the afternoon, after fertilizing several times, wash the orchids and orchids with plenty of water to avoid residual inorganic salts that harm the roots. 7. Post-flower management: The flowering period is generally around the Spring Festival, and the viewing period can be as long as 2 months to 3 months. When the flowers are withered, they must cut the withered flowers as soon as possible, which can reduce the consumption of nutrients. If the stem is cut from 4 to 5 bases, it can be regenerated 2 months to 3 months later. However, the nutrient consumption of such plants is too large, which is not conducive to the growth in the coming year. If you want to open a good flower again in the coming year, it is best to cut the stem from the base, when the matrix is ​​aging, it should be replaced in due course, otherwise the air permeability will be worse, it will cause root rot, plant growth weakened or even die. It is generally appropriate to change the pot in May when new leaves grow. Four reasons for failure in family cultivation: 1. Watering too frequently: Friends who cultivated Phalaenopsis are always worried that Phalaenopsis is short of water, regardless of whether the cultivation medium is dry or not, watering every day, causing severe root rot. 2, the temperature is too low: usually Phalaenopsis flowering plants listed mostly in the early spring, and after buying home are generally also placed in the living room, etc. appreciate, although the temperature of these places is sufficient, but the night temperature is a bit too low. On the other hand, most of the orchids that are cultivated professionally are in well-equipped greenhouses. In contrast, the temperature and humidity of the home are slightly insufficient, and the growth of plants tends to become increasingly weak. Therefore, sometimes no matter how good the conservation is, orchids still do not bloom. 3, over-fertilization: There is fertilizer on the application, but do not pay attention to the concentration, feel that the application of fertilizer will grow faster. Notice that Phalaenopsis should be used as a thin fertilizer, which should be repeated a few times. Remember that "tonic" can not be excessive, otherwise it is counterproductive. 4, small plant species and large basin: I feel that with a large basin, you can give the environment of the Phalaenopsis relaxed, with sufficient materials. After the utility model, the plants are not easy to dry, and the butterfly orchid is preferred to be ventilated, and the atmosphere is comfortable.

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