Blue Loquat honeysuckle greenhouse

Lonicera caerulea (Lonicera caergdea L.) commonly known as blue pods, black medlar fruit, bird pheasant plum, perennial deciduous shrub species. Tree height 0.5 ~ 2m, compare joy light, hi humidity, ability to -39 °C low temperature; the flowering period of the tree is from June to July, the flowering of the amphibian; fruit period is from late July to early September, the mature berries are dark purple, juicy , fruit length 1 ~ 2cm, 1000 fruit weight 300 ~ 330g. The tree species has a wide range of adaptability. Flowers, fruits and trees all have high ornamental value and can be used as an ideal shrub species for garden greening. Berries can be directly consumed, but also a good raw material for the extraction of natural food coloring, brewing, and making beverages. It can also be used as a medicine and has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. 1 Seed collection At the beginning of August, the fruit was dark purple and the fruit particles showed fruit powder. At this time, the fruit and internal seeds were fully matured, which was the best time for seed collection. The seeds were collected too early and the seeds were not full. When the seeds were collected too late, the fruits fell off and it was difficult to collect them. Collect plants that grow robustly, without pests and diseases. 2 Fruit Treatment The blue honeysuckle fruit is a berry and it must be processed immediately. Place the fruit in a pot, break the berry thoroughly, and add fresh water. The mature seeds will naturally sink under the water. Rinse several times with fresh water, float out the flesh, peel, and a small amount of pod seeds that float on the surface of the water; Water, drying in the sun for 3 to 5 days, the seed moisture content of about 5%. 3 Storage of seeds Keep dried seeds sealed in plastic bags. Tests have shown that seeds sequestered in the freezer of the refrigerator for 3 months to imitate low temperatures over the winter germinate earlier than the seeds stored under room temperature for about 10 days, and the germination rate increases by 30%. Therefore, if the amount of seeds is small, it can be stored in a refrigerator freezer; if the amount of seeds is large, the seeds can be stored in outdoor snow after being frozen, but the rats should be prevented from being harmed. 4 Seed treatment before sowing Seeds are taken out at the end of March, soaked in 1%-2% detergent powder for 12 hours, rinsed to remove a small amount of pulp meat and fat on the seed surface; rinsed in clean water and put in 5% potassium permanganate solution to disinfect 2 Hours, rinse the surface of the seed with clean water, soak in the clear water for 72 hours, change the water once a day, so that the seeds fully absorb water and swell; control the surface moisture of the seed, remove the seeds and remove the toxic, water content of 60% of the river Sand, mix by volume 1:5, put it in ceramic pots, germinate at room temperature 18~25°C, spray water regularly, keep the original humidity in the pot, after 20~25 days, there is 1/ When 3 or so seeds break, you can sow indoors. 5 Indoor Sowing and Seedling 5.1 Substrates of black loam, turfgrass, fine river sand and grass ash are each sieved in fine sieves, mixed in a volume ratio of 4:4:1:1, fried and sterilized on iron plates to kill weed seeds. . 5.2 The nursery container can be raised with 3550cm conventional seedling plastic tray or self-made wooden trough. The height of the seedling trays shall not be less than 7cm. After the nursery substrate is placed in the nursery container and watered, the thickness shall not be less than 5cm. 5.3 sowing method and sowing rate broadcast. The blue seed honeysuckle seeds have a weight of 0.9 g and the seeds are very small. After sowing, the cover soil is about 0.3 mm. The total seed weight should be weighed before seed germination, the total number of seeds should be calculated, and seed should be planted at 1100 seeds per square meter. The seedling emergence rate should reach 95%, and the seedling seedling density can be set to 1000 plants per square meter. 5.4 Emergence Management The temperature in the greenhouse should be controlled at 18-25°C. Spray water 2 to 3 times per day based on the substrate humidity. Use a small-scale watering can or sprayer to spray water to avoid splashing with large drops of water. Seedling trays should be placed in the sun after the top shells of the seedlings are unearthed. When the seedling height is about 2cm, loosen the soil once and then irrigate the soil immediately after loosening the soil. Afterwards, spray water shall be reduced to 1 time/day or every other day for stress and drought-resistant exercises to suit the nursery environment. In late May, when the seedling height is 4 to 5 cm, it can be transplanted to the nursery. 6 Nursery transplanting 6.1 Choose a well-drained, sandy loam with loose soil and avoid planting on clay. 6.2 Site preparation and fertilization Fine soil preparation, removal of weeds and stones, combined application of base fertilizer, and uniform application of compound fertilizer at a dosage of 10 to 15 kg/667 m2. 6.3 The width and height of the bed shall be 1.10.2m. The length of the bed shall depend on the size of the plot and the seeding rate. 6.4 Soil Disinfection 1 week before transplanting, disinfect the bed with 0.5% ferrous sulfate solution at a dosage of 3 to 4.5 kg/m2. 6.5 Transplanting method and density Select cloudy or late in the evening, transplant with the transplanting seedlings with soil, planting, spacing is 1020cm, each transplanting seedlings to form a low-lying trough, in order to facilitate irrigation and avoid seedlings water shortage. 6.6 Transplanting seedlings Transplanting seedlings do not require shading, but they must be watered in a timely manner. The nursery with sprinkler irrigation conditions is the best. It is necessary to loosen the soil and remove weeds in time so as to reduce the size of the roots and eliminate the net. After mid-August, it is necessary to gradually reduce the watering and stop the fertilization; by the beginning of September, the watering should be completely stopped to prevent the seedlings from being greedy, so that the seedlings will be fully lignified and naturally survive in the nursery. (Zhang Haijun Li Xianguang Hu Xiaoyu Author: Jilin Academy of Forestry

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