Global demand for primary pharmaceutical containers including pharmaceutical vials, pharmaceutical cartridges, pharmaceutical ampoules and pharmaceutical prefillable syringes, will increase 6.6 percent annually to over $57 billion in 2017. Prefillable syringes, notes the report, will be in high demand, and the list of suppliers and vendors pursuing the potential revenue from this category are becoming legion; Becton Dickinson , Gerresheimer, SCHOTT, Vetter West, Zhengli, Weigao (to name just a few top players) are all positioning themselves strategically and operationally to deliver solutions to meet this burgeoning demand. Demand for prefillable, injectable, single unit dose forms is being driven by a number of factors but the advances in the biotechnology sector will mean a steady stream of parenteral therapies requiring prefillable solutions to deliver these therapies to consumers. Players are seeing growing demand from customers for pure, high-quality packaging components for injectable biologics and biosimilars.